Dr. Li Wang
Dr. Li Wang’s teaching responsibilities are focused on business core courses, such as Intro to Business and Business Communication. As director of the Business Honors Program, Dr. Wang works closely with business Honors students in their very first semester, and helps them to get acclimated into college life and the business major. She cares about the students’ success very deeply, and is willing to go above and beyond to guide and to support the students’ personal, academic and professional growth. Dr. Wang firmly believes in “learning by doing” and is thus a strong advocate of experiential learning; therefore, she views the Honors EXCEL program as a great opportunity — and the right kind of challenge — for Honors students, as they work toward pursuing and achieving their academic and career goals. In fact, before becoming an Honors EXCEL affiliate faculty, she also served as an Honors EXCEL mentor to some students in the program.
Dr. Wang enjoys traveling (especially with students) either on business exposure or on study abroad trips.